Friday, 25 February 2011

Evaluation Q.3

When considering audience feedback when one is producing an ad campaign is of the highest importance. Audience feedback allows the marketing division of the film’s production to change anything relating to a films promotion (Magazines, adverts, posters) and change them to the audience’s preference thus creating a stronger ad campaign and hopefully allowing the film to do better at the box office.
Getting audience feedback within a group of media students is simple as it is the best interest of both parties involved. In order to get some feedback of our first trailer we screened it in front of the whole media group and then gave them 5-10 minutes to write down what the thought was good and what they thought was bad about the trailer and how it could be improved. Usually with audience feedback the various demographics within the group varies the feedback, however in our case we received a lot of negative feedback which is why we opted to create a new trailer from scratch rather than edit the original.
Most of the criticism we received was fairly negative and mainly related to how there was a lack of narrative, poor sound use, sudden cut of music, confused by the some of the characters and direction of story and location changes. I find any feedback (Negative or not) helpful and this was taken into account when remaking our trailer. We did however receive some positive feedback the most notable of which was our use of creepy angles and dark characters.
The feedback we received was of great use to us and we found that there was a lot that we could take from it in order to make a better trailer. We almost completely recreated our trailer most notably by changing our theme to one about madness and insanity and our setting to one much more typical of horror films. Overall this did make our trailer considerably less original but it was considerably better for it. We also used a lot of stock soundtracks rather than creating our own, we felt that this was perhaps cutting a corner but we deemed it necessary in order to create a better trailer. Our final trailer also included a distorted voice over to suit our theme; this really brought the standard of our trailer up quite a lot for something fairly small and simple to do.

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