Distribution = marketing + duplication + getting it into cinemas
Film distributor brings a film into the market place
block buster distributor (Fox, WB, Touch stone) receive films straight from the production company's, where as small independent (Lionsgate, momentum) buy films at film festivals (Sundance film festival)
The Distributor has to determine the usp
Has to be clear of the target audience
15-24 is the largest age group
Have to get as large as audience as possible
Research the best release date
Get the budget right
Advertising is paid for, publicity is free
Marketing campaign needs to be unique
First element is the poster, the trailer is second
The teaser is often made before the film is finished
Trailers should not need voice overs
Sam, see my blog for a reminder of the posts you should have on your blog. Also, you haven't fully exploited the possibility of your blog, it should contain more than just text. My blog is enorfa2marshalls.blogspot.com